I Think I Saw A Fox
It was the first time for me to attend a photo competition. And the reason to participate was laying in the challenge of the topic. It was the Buffalo Skyway Photo Competition. In the description the elevated sky-bride is considered a landmark of the city. If we hear 'landmark' we imagine something special, or beautiful, or impressive. None of this is the elevated sky-bride. It is a massive and loud four lane highway, 1.4 miles long and 110 feet high at its highest point. The sky-bridge crosses the Inner Harbor downtown with its beautiful boardwalk and the Buffalo river. Finally, it ends behind the industrial area of General Mills. A purely functional construction without any aesthetic claims.
As a matter of fact, the bridge is a big ugly monster. What I really didn't want to do is an aestheticization and beautification of something that is not beautiful, even more not acceptable. The bridge only still exists because of lack of money for something better.
I wanted to create an honest image that also shows the destructive force of such architectural interventions in the landscape and the repression of wildlife. A photo that questioned but in spite of everything also has humor.